Tag «patriot»

Battles of Thomas Creek and Alligator Bridge: Florida in the American Revolution

Battle of Thomas Creek. Artwork by Jackson Walker.

At the start of the American Revolution, not all British colonies on the mainland of North America rebelled against the mother country. Thirteen did; however, the four distinct colonies to the north that made up Canada and, in the south, East and West Florida, did not. They remained loyal to England. As such, the rebellious …

Battle of Kettle Creek: American Victory in a Bloody Civil War

Battle of Kettle Creek

The Battle of Kettle Creek, February 14, 1779, was a partisan clash of arms between Loyalists and Patriot militias; approximately sixty-five miles northwest of Augusta and eight miles west of present-day Washington, Georgia.  By 1778, the southern colonies of the American Revolution had become a battleground of partisan warfare. A bloody civil war had erupted …

Fact or Fiction: Don’t Fire Until You See the Whites of Their Eyes

Generations of Americans have recalled with pride these words that were supposedly spoken during the American Revolution. They conger stouthearted citizen soldiers standing firm before the power of oppression. Farmers and merchants answering the call to arms and grabbing their family muskets to defy what they believed to be an authoritarian government in a David …

Battle of Charleston and Fort Sullivan: American Victory and Hope in 1776

Throughout the American Revolution the British demonstrated a wonderful incapacity to evolve an over-all strategy to crush the rebellion. They first moved against New England, regarded as the prime instigator of sedition. When that move failed, [the British forces, with a fleet of Tories in tow, evacuated Boston to Halifax], they transferred their main operations …

Black Soldiers in the Continental Army

Black Soldier Rhode Island regiment.

Should African Americans Serve in the Continental Army? Washington and a new nation struggle with their convictions, morals, and necessity O’er the raging billows borne. Men, call’d Christians, bought & sold me, Paid my price in paltry gold; But though their’s they have enroll’d me, Minds are never to be sold. W. Cowper, Esq.            1774.   Humanity was not ready to bestow …