Tag «Loyalist»

Battle of Moores Creek Bridge

In the predawn fog of February 27, 1776, battle-crazed Scots, like warrior clad berserks of old, shattered the night in a sudden roar. As many had done at Culloden, they charged with claymores (35-inch double-edged broadswords) and dirks. The Battle of Moores Creek Bridge, 18 miles northwest of Wilmington, North Carolina, had begun. Scot Tories, …

Battle of Moncks Corner

On April 14, 1780, at 3 AM, Banastre Tarleton’s Partisan Legion, a loyalist mixture of dragoons and mounted infantry, thundered out of the dead of the night in a terrifying charge. Sabers slashed downward on startled Americans torn from their sleep. The surprise attack on mainly patriot light dragoons, both Continental troopers and South Carolina …

Battle of Ramsour’s Mill

To call the fight there a battle would lend it a formality it did not possess. It was a clash of two armed mobs. Toward the end the fighting resembled an old-fashioned Pier 6 brawl between longshoremen and strikebreakers. Historian/Author John Buchanan The Battle of Ramsour’s Mill, also spelt Ramseur, and Ramsaur, for Derick Ramsaur, …

Battles of Thomas Creek and Alligator Bridge: Florida in the American Revolution

At the start of the American Revolution, not all British colonies on the mainland of North America rebelled against the mother country. Thirteen did; however, the four distinct colonies to the north that made up Canada and, in the south, East and West Florida, did not. They remained loyal to England. As such, the rebellious …

Battle of Kettle Creek: American Victory in a Bloody Civil War

The Battle of Kettle Creek, February 14, 1779, was a partisan clash of arms between Loyalists and Patriot militias; approximately sixty-five miles northwest of Augusta and eight miles west of present-day Washington, Georgia.  By 1778, the southern colonies of the American Revolution had become a battleground of partisan warfare. A bloody civil war had erupted …

Banastre Tarleton’s First Commanding Raid

Pompous, mercifulness, void of empathy, this British cavalryman’s ambitious impulses and self-glorifying ego demanded that all under his command follow his lead in a blood fest carved throughout the colonies. Nicknamed ‘Bloody Ban’ for his ruthlessness, Banastre Tarleton was hated and feared by American patriots throughout the war. His legacy was such, that when Hollywood …

First Cowboys Were Not from the West But Cattle Rustlers of the American Revolution

Mention cowboys and John Wayne slinging his saddle over his arm during a clip from the classic 1939 John Ford movie Stagecoach might come to mind. Cowboys are synonymous with rough and tumble ranchers, cowhands, and gunslingers of the old west, strutting up to the bar, slapping the dust off their chaps, and ordering a bottle …