Tag «George Washington»

Battle of Gloucester 1777

German Jaeger pickets. Photo by Ken Bohrer.

Labeled a battle, what occurred along the Delaware River in the late afternoon on November 25, 1777 was actually a forty-five-minute skirmish; albeit the British force suffered a larger than usual number of casualties for a minor clash of arms. Considered an American victory, militarily, it was not significant. But politically, it proved worth noting …

General George Washington’s Mystery Firearm

Strict. Rigid. Aloof. Dogmatic. Ambitious. Taskmaster. Determined. Emphatic. Fair. Honorable. Tenacious. Meticulous. Dedicated. And Enforcer. Bundled up in one who could explode in such sudden fury, as to send the devil running for cover. General George Washington. The Commander-in-Chief. Whose carefully crafted persona became a physical and mental force that transformed a tattered rabble of …

General William Woodford: Battlefield to Prison Ship

William Woodford of Virginia (October 6, 1734 – November 13, 1780), southern aristocratic plantation owner, was born to a prestigious family of military tradition. At the very start of the American Revolution, he commanded the 2nd Virginia militia during the Battle of Great Bridge, resulting in a decisive victory labeled the southern Bunker Hill. Among …

Interview with African American Reenactor Noah “Ned Hector” Lewis: Part One

It is a pleasure to present my good friend and American Revolution Photographer Ken Bohrer’s interview with American Revolution reenactor Noah “Ned Hector” Lewis – Black Revolutionary War Hero. This is the first interview of a three part series. Ken Bohrer’s website American Revolution Photos has over eight thousand outstanding photos and dozens of videos of …

Oneida Iroquois: America’s Ally and Polly Cooper who Helped Feed Washington’s Army at Valley Forge

Polly Cooper’s generosity and courage have long been honored by the Oneida Native American people over the generations as exemplar of the indomitable spirt of the Oneida. With the unveiling of the Oneida memorial at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC that honors Polly and her people’s contribution to the American Revolution, the United States …

Military Books that Influenced George Washington

Military literature was of little or no value to the early colonists.  There were no vast spreads of farmlands and meadows where massive armies could deploy.  Their terrain was wilderness and their forces small.  Militias of farmers and merchants, properly armed to protect themselves from the “savages” adopted the same methods as their native opponents.  …

Colonial Slave Clothing

African American slaves and bondsmen were issued clothing based on the master’s financial means and his/her willingness to provide for their ‘property’s’ wellbeing. On larger estates, those chosen to work the land or labor in the many outbuildings wore either homespun clothing or simple cloth imported from England. They would finish work and return directly …

Seth Pomeroy: Forgotten Founder and the First Brigadier General of the Continental Army

Blacksmith, politician, and soldier, Seth Pomeroy never lived long enough to see the country he helped forge. But perhaps more lasting than what he did, is what he gave us. He yet stands alongside a rail fence on an immortal hill amidst hell’s fury. Before a wall of British steel, he turns his face from …

The Enduring Valley Forge National Historical Park

My good friend Ken Bohrer of American Revolution Photos allowed me to share his February 2021 blog on Valley Forge – #32. I highly recommend you view his other blogs along with thousands of great photos of the many American Revolutionary War reenactments he has chronicled over the years. Please click here and enjoy: American …

Road to Bunker Hill and General Artemas Ward – America’s First Commander-in-Chief

“Who?”… is the most common response when mentioning Artemas Ward. With the popularity of sixties iconic TV shows, another’s reply might be, “Don’t you mean Artemas Gordon?”…referencing Ross Martin’s sidekick role on the Wild Wild West TV series that ran four seasons starting in 1965. Of course there might be the more smug response, “Oh, …

James Madison Champion of Democracy and Dolley Madison, the True First Lady

If we advert to the nature of republican government, we shall find that the censorial power is in the people over the government, and not in the government over the people. James Madison, 1793 According to University of Virginia Professor John Stagg, James Madison, our fourth president, was “from the early days of the American …