Category «Battles»

Minuteman and Militia: Lousy Shots Who Indeed Could Not Hit the Side of a Barn

Militia and Continental firing

“Contrary to general opinion, only thirteen percent of colonial Americans owned a gun at the start of the American Revolution and of those, clearly half did not work.” Michael Bellesiles, noted author and researcher The Myth of Minutemen looms large in legends surrounding the American Revolution. Statues with robust colonials grasping their musket line New …

Colonel Christopher Greene: Commanded the Rhode Island 1st of African American Continental Soldiers

Christopher Greene was leading the Rhode Island 1st, the first African American Regiment in the Continental Army [the first black regiment of the war was British – Virginia Royal Governor Dunmore’s Ethiopian Brigade in 1775], when he was killed and mutilated at the Battle of Pines Bridge in a vicious attack by British Loyalist ‘Cowboys’, …

Banastre Tarleton’s First Commanding Raid

Pompous, mercifulness, void of empathy, this British cavalryman’s ambitious impulses and self-glorifying ego demanded that all under his command follow his lead in a blood fest carved throughout the colonies. Nicknamed ‘Bloody Ban’ for his ruthlessness, Banastre Tarleton was hated and feared by American patriots throughout the war. His legacy was such, that when Hollywood …

Battle of Groton Heights and Massacre of Fort Griswold’s Garrison

British volley.

Also known as the Battle of Fort Griswold, the last major engagement of the American Revolution in the north was on September 6th, 1781, between mostly Connecticut militia under Colonel William Ledyard and professional soldiers and loyalists under the command of turncoat British Brigadier General Benedict Arnold. After a courageous defense of Fort Griswold, which …

Seth Pomeroy: Forgotten Founder and the First Brigadier General of the Continental Army

Blacksmith, politician, and soldier, Seth Pomeroy never lived long enough to see the country he helped forge. But perhaps more lasting than what he did, is what he gave us. He yet stands alongside a rail fence on an immortal hill amidst hell’s fury. Before a wall of British steel, he turns his face from …

Road to Bunker Hill and General Artemas Ward – America’s First Commander-in-Chief

“Who?”… is the most common response when mentioning Artemas Ward. With the popularity of sixties iconic TV shows, another’s reply might be, “Don’t you mean Artemas Gordon?”…referencing Ross Martin’s sidekick role on the Wild Wild West TV series that ran four seasons starting in 1965. Of course there might be the more smug response, “Oh, …

Battle of Golden Hill New York City: First Blood Spilt in the American Revolution

The first major clash between British soldiers and a colonial mob was not the March 5, 1770 Boston Massacre, a title given by Boston’s skilled propogandists. The first instance of open aggression between opposing forces in America occurred in New York City, on January 19, 1770, nearly two months prior.  After the 1763 conclusion of …

Battle of Lexington and Concord Part 1: Road to War

By 1774, colonial Americans had spent decades governing themselves. They were ingrained with a spirt of independence that strengthened with each new generation.  Local legislatures were chosen by regional landowners. Provincial assemblies made laws, oversaw magistrates to enact laws, ruled over disputes, levied penalties, and saw to the daily needs of their communities. They organized …

Battle For the Delaware River in the American Revolution

From early October to mid-November 1777, the main Continental Army, commanded by General George Washington, and main British Army, commanded by General William Howe, were locked in a desperate, on-going battle for control of the Delaware River. For the British and their allies, they would suffer the second largest number of casualties throughout the war …