Tag «Riflemen»

Battle of Kings Mountain

Battle of Kings Mountain mural at the Kings Mountain National Battle Park.

The Battle of Kings Mountain, October 7, 1780, around thirty-five miles southwest of Charlotte, North Carolina and just over the border into South Carolina, was an overwhelming patriot victory. Scholars believe that Kings Mountain was the major turning point in the war in the south, eventually leading to Cornwallis’ defeat at the Battle of Yorktown, …

Battle of Cane Creek and Major Ferguson’s Fatal Proclamation

Grizzled militaman

The Battle of Cane Creek, September 12, 1780, a loyalist victory, was a small action between North Carolina militiamen led by Colonel Charles McDowell and a larger Tory force of Partisan regulars and militia led by British officer Major Patrick Ferguson. However, Crane Creek was far more important than a brief clash of arms. After …

Colonel Isaac Shelby

Colonel Isaac Shelby. Artwork by Matthew H. Jouett, 1820.

Colonel Isaac Shelby (1750-1826) was an exceptional leader of patriot militia who, by the end of his life, became one of the country’s most admired men. Born to fight, he grew up in the wilderness where at an early age, stood second in command to his father’s company against the Shawnee. When war with England …

Battle of Rocky Mount

Militia attacking.

July 30, 1780. British Partisan Victory. A force of approximately 600 militia under Colonel Thomas Sumter attacked a fortified British outpost garrisoned by around 300 partisan regular troops and loyalist militia under Lt. Colonel George Turnbull. This was the first battle under the leadership of celebrated rebel leader Thomas Sumter since the fall of Charleston, …

Battle of Musgrove Mill: Renowned for its Ferocity

Rebel over the mountain men and militia fire upon attacking loyalists. Battle of Musgrove Mill.

August 18, 1780 American victory. Whenever large partisan militia forces collided, the struggle tended to be brutal and vicious. It had to be. It was personal. By 1780 the patriot and crown factions morphed into a bloody civil war. Mostly the antagonists formed into small raiding parties that attacked without warning. They killed and destroyed …

Daniel Morgan: His Life and the Battle of Cowpens

Daniel Morgan of famed Morgan's Rifle.

Great generals are scarce; there are few Morgans. General Nathanael Greene Bar-room brawler, drinker, gambler, and womanizer; six feet tall and built like a brick yard with tree trunk arms, Daniel Morgan (1736 – July 6, 1802) was an imposing figure in any time period. Yet beneath this rough frontage, was an honest and passionate figure …

Muskets & Rifles of the American Revolution: Difference and Tactics

Kentucky Long Rifle was the weapon of choice for wilderness hunters and during the American Revolutionary War forming rifle corps and ranger outfits. In 18th century warfare, there were two types of weapons carried into battle: the smooth-bore musket and the grove-bore rifle. Both had their strengths and weaknesses. The smooth bore musket could be …