Tag «Musket»

Major Patrick Ferguson and the Breechloading Rifle

Ferguson Rifle care of Vikings word.

The important thing to remember about the Ferguson Rifle is that it was not invented by Patrick Ferguson. The breechloading rifle that historians, novelists, gun enthusiasts, and countless internet articles state was born of the creative mind of Major Patrick Ferguson (1744 – 1780), had been around since the early stages of firearms. Breechloading matchlocks …

Betsy Hager: Blacksmith Who Helped Forge a New Nation

Rosy the Riveter, strong, iconic figure, symbolic of women who worked countless hours on military armaments for American men fighting on World War II’s battlefields, had a true to life predecessor; one hundred and sixty-eight years earlier. In 1775, Elizabeth Hager, known as “Handy Betsy” or “Betsy the Blacksmith,” stood at her forge and repaired …

Minuteman and Militia: Lousy Shots Who Indeed Could Not Hit the Side of a Barn

Militia and Continental firing

“Contrary to general opinion, only thirteen percent of colonial Americans owned a gun at the start of the American Revolution and of those, clearly half did not work.” Michael Bellesiles, noted author and researcher The Myth of Minutemen looms large in legends surrounding the American Revolution. Statues with robust colonials grasping their musket line New …

Top 10 American Revolution Reenactment Photos-Numbers 6-10

Revolutoinary War Journal is published by Harry Schenawolf, author of the Shades of Liberty Series about African American soldiers in the American Revolution. Article Features Photographer Ken Bohrer of American Revolution Photos It is a pleasure to offer Ken Bohrer, University Educator and Renowned Photographer of American Revolution Reenactments this platform to begin sharing some …

Washington’s Mystery Firearm

Washington’s Mystery Firearm is written by contributor Yaacov Apelbaum Revolutionary War Journal is published by Harry Schenawolf, author of the Shades of Liberty Series about African American soldiers in the American Revolution. The implication by some published writers and scholars that Colonel George Washington carried a musket during the French & Indian War is not …

Most Americans Did Not Own Guns at the Start of the American Revolution

Massive volley

By Harry Schenawolf, author of the Shades of Liberty Series about African American soldiers in the American Revolution. Remember that scene in The Patriot where Mel Gibson scooped up a bunch of guns from under his bed and ran off to destroy a column of redcoats single handed, except he also armed his young children …

Muskets & Rifles of the American Revolution: Difference and Tactics

Kentucky Long Rifle was the weapon of choice for wilderness hunters and during the American Revolutionary War forming rifle corps and ranger outfits. In 18th century warfare, there were two types of weapons carried into battle: the smooth-bore musket and the grove-bore rifle. Both had their strengths and weaknesses. The smooth bore musket could be …