Tag «militia»

Most Americans Did Not Own Guns at the Start of the American Revolution

By Harry Schenawolf, author of the Shades of Liberty Series about African American soldiers in the American Revolution. Remember that scene in The Patriot where Mel Gibson scooped up a bunch of guns from under his bed and ran off to destroy a column of redcoats single handed, except he also armed his young children …

December 1776: Washington and the Continental Army in Crisis

By Harry Schenawolf, author of the Shades of Liberty Series about African American soldiers in the American Revolution. “A thick cloud of darkness and gloom covered the land and despair was seen in almost every countenance…” an officer in the Continental Army, December, 1776. Another wrote, “…strong apprehensions are entertained that the British will soon …

Redcoats and Patriots: British and Continental Soldiers of the American Revolution

British officer. Photo by Ken Bohrer.

For thousands of photos on the American Revolution, Visit Ken Bohrer here. If you were to ask someone on the street what was the ordinary British soldier was like during King George’s time, he or she might  say something like: dregs, scoundrels, scum from the streets of London, debtors, drunks, common criminals or sweepings from …

General Washington’s Homespun Army

There were no great suppliers in 1775 vying for contracts to supply clothing or make uniforms for the Continental Army. If there were, there certainly was no money to pay them. Washington and others in the Second Congress were too concerned with providing enough shell, shot and other armaments with which to wage war. By …

Minuteman Myth & Citizen Soldiers of the American Revolution

            “…any dependence on Militia is assuredly resting on a broken staff” George Washington Ask most Americans what comes to mind when the word, “minuteman” is mentioned. They will no doubt answer something to the affect that they were eighteenth century citizen patriot militias who, within a minute’s notice, grabbed their muskets and fought for …