Tag «Loyalist»

African Americans in the American Revolution: Colonel Tye was the Greatest Guerrilla Fighter of the War

Escaped Slave, British Soldier, and the Greatest Guerrilla Fighter Of the American Revolutionary War It is late fall, 1775. A British officer stares out over the river. The wide mouth of the James River is choked with dark hulls that sit peacefully at their anchors, their towering masts swaying in the stiffening breeze that flows …

Battle of Charleston and Fort Sullivan: American Victory and Hope in 1776

Throughout the American Revolution the British demonstrated a wonderful incapacity to evolve an over-all strategy to crush the rebellion. They first moved against New England, regarded as the prime instigator of sedition. When that move failed, [the British forces, with a fleet of Tories in tow, evacuated Boston to Halifax], they transferred their main operations …

The Morris Jumel Mansion: Washington’s Headquarters at Harlem Heights, New York, 1776

The Colonel Roger Morris House is the oldest remaining residence in New York City, built in 1765. Compared to other major cities of the world, New York City ranks among the lowest in the preservation of its architectural culture. The Morris House, unlike the rest of the colonial estates that dotted Manhattan Island, survived for …

African Americans in the American Revolution: Patriot Benjamin Scott Mayes was Hanged Three Times by the British

Very little has been recorded about Benjamin ‘Daddy Ben’ Scott Mayes.  He was an ‘outlandish’ (colloquial term for those born in Africa) who remained a slave until death.  He made his mark on history during the American Revolution when he had accompanied his master, then Captain John Scott, to war.  According to written accounts, Benjamin …