Tag «Legion»

Battle of Fishdam Ford

Militia volley.

The Battle of Fishdam (also Fish Dam)Ford, November 9, 1780, was a comeback victory for American General Thomas Sumter. His band of South Carolina militiamen withstood an assault by regular British troops while inflicting three times as many casualties and forcing the enemy to withdraw. The British were led by the despised Major James Wemyss …

Battle of Charlotte

The Battle of Charlotte (September 26, 1780) deservedly marked its place in the annuals of the American Revolution. A small rebel militia, led by able-bodied commander, Colonel William Richardson Davie, defiantly stood firm and faced British General Lord Charles Cornwallis’ army, sixteen times greater than their number. After fending off three assaults and driving the …

Huck’s Defeat

Captain Huck shot from horse and dies instantly.

My Lord Hook was shot from his horse –James Collins sixteen-year-old rebel militiaman July 12, 1780, Huck’s Defeat, or the Battle of Williamson’s Plantation, was a vengeful sudden strike by patriot backcountry militiamen against a strong, well-trained foe. Though small in scale by comparison, it was considered a gamechanger for patriot militia. It was the …