Tag «Kings Mountain»

Major Patrick Ferguson and the Breechloading Rifle

Ferguson Rifle care of Vikings word.

The important thing to remember about the Ferguson Rifle is that it was not invented by Patrick Ferguson. The breechloading rifle that historians, novelists, gun enthusiasts, and countless internet articles state was born of the creative mind of Major Patrick Ferguson (1744 – 1780), had been around since the early stages of firearms. Breechloading matchlocks …

First Battle of Cedar Springs

Militia loading and firing.

This battle or large skirmish between partisan militia forces occurred on July 12, 1780. A rebel victory, though small in comparison, it gains importance when considered the first of many skirmishes and battles between loyalist and patriot forces that lead to the all-decisive Battle of King’s Mountain, October 7, 1780. On May 12, 1780, two …

Battle of Musgrove Mill: Renowned for its Ferocity

Rebel over the mountain men and militia fire upon attacking loyalists. Battle of Musgrove Mill.

August 18, 1780 American victory. Whenever large partisan militia forces collided, the struggle tended to be brutal and vicious. It had to be. It was personal. By 1780 the patriot and crown factions morphed into a bloody civil war. Mostly the antagonists formed into small raiding parties that attacked without warning. They killed and destroyed …