Tag «French and Indian War»

Major General John Thomas

British regulars volley and reload.

General John Thomas (November 9, 1724 – June 2, 1776), a medical doctor by trade, was the sixth commissioned major general in the continental army of the American Revolution; right after Major General Richard Montgomery. Ironically, like Montgomery, Thomas would die in the same 1775 – 1776 failed campaign that invaded Canada. In early spring, …

Seth Pomeroy: Forgotten Founder and the First Brigadier General of the Continental Army

Blacksmith, politician, and soldier, Seth Pomeroy never lived long enough to see the country he helped forge. But perhaps more lasting than what he did, is what he gave us. He yet stands alongside a rail fence on an immortal hill amidst hell’s fury. Before a wall of British steel, he turns his face from …

Margaret Corbin: Manned the Cannon When Her Husband Fell at the Battle of Fort Washington

By Harry Schenawolf, author of the Shades of Liberty Series about African American soldiers in the American Revolution. Margaret Cochran Corbin (November 12, 1751 – January 16, 1800), nicknamed ‘Captain Molly’ by the troops in her husband’s company, like her counterpart Mary Ludwig Hays, aka ‘Molly Pitcher’, was an incredibly brave person who had history …

Daniel Morgan: His Life and the Battle of Cowpens

Daniel Morgan of famed Morgan's Rifle.

Great generals are scarce; there are few Morgans. General Nathanael Greene Bar-room brawler, drinker, gambler, and womanizer; six feet tall and built like a brick yard with tree trunk arms, Daniel Morgan (1736 – July 6, 1802) was an imposing figure in any time period. Yet beneath this rough frontage, was an honest and passionate figure …

Robert Rogers’ Rules of Ranging: Used to This Day by the US Military

Unconfirmed portrait of Robert Rogers

Captain Robert Rogers (Major Rogers, as listed in his Journals), was one of the more colorful characters in American history. He was an incredible military leader who adapted wilderness tactics which equipped the British in The French and Indian War (or The Seven Years War as it’s known in Europe). From 1754 until 1763, both …

British General James Grant, Most Hated British Officer of the American Revolution

Vehemently Anti-American Officer of the Revolutionary War Pompous, self-assured, dogmatic, obstinate, opinionated, these and more could adequately describe the obese Englishman who’s hatred and low opinion of the Americans’ ability to fight in the Revolutionary War probably did more to help the patriot cause than some of America’s generals. James Grant’s degrading, anti-American comments, while …