Tag «Continental Army»

Battle of Germantown – Part 2

October 4th, 1777 The Continental Army was licking its wounds after their defeat at Brandywine Creek on September 11, 1777.  However, with the arrival of militia from Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, including Wayne’s six hundred men who had rejoined the army after trailing the British, his army was larger than what he had at …

Battle of Germantown Part 1

Ill-armed, still worse clothed, mostly unshod, scantily fed, discipline lacking, and poorly officered; these and more were accurate descriptions of the American Army that fled to the outskirts of Philadelphia in the fall of 1777 after their disastrous defeat at Brandywine Creek, Maryland.  However, many saw evidence of hope among all this despair, especially those …

African Americans in the American Revolution: Black Soldiers in the Continental Army

Should African Americans Serve in the Continental Army? Washington and a new nation struggle with their convictions, morals, and necessity O’er the raging billows borne. Men, call’d Christians, bought & sold me, Paid my price in paltry gold; But though their’s they have enroll’d me, Minds are never to be sold. W. Cowper, Esq.            1774.   Humanity was not ready to bestow …

Colonel Samuel Selden: Brave in Battle He Died for his Country

Captured at battle of Kip’s Bay and died in captivity on Oct. 11, 1776  Rouse the People to see their Danger. Stir them up by all that is dear in this life. Our Wives, our Children, our property, our Liberty is at Stake… Colonel Samuel Selden Colonel Samuel Selden [1] During the Revolutionary War many men paid an …