Tag «Continental Army»

Battle Tactics of the American Revolution

Military literature was of little or no value to the early colonists. There were no vast spreads of farmlands and meadows where massive armies could deploy. The terrain was wilderness and their forces small. Militias of farmers and merchants, properly armed to protect themselves from the “savages,” adopted the same methods of fighting as their …

Washington and the Enlistment of Black Soldiers in the Continental Army

Enlist no Stroller, Negro, Or Vagabond General George Washington In 1775, when rhetoric turned to open conflict, some militia commanders welcomed freemen and slaves into their ranks.  Twenty percent of the country’s residents were of African heritage with four percent of that number freeman.  For many, especially recruiters pressured to meet Congress’ demands for enlistment …

General Washington’s Thoughts on Slavery

September 16, 1776 The clock strikes two bells past the eleventh hour. Colonel Thomas Reed, aide to General Washington, quickly crosses to his general, passing under the substantial archway of the Morris mansion into the sitting room. The post’s bulky leather satchel remains over one shoulder while in his hand is held a sealed envelope. …

General Washington’s Homespun Army

There were no great suppliers in 1775 vying for contracts to supply clothing or make uniforms for the Continental Army. If there were, there certainly was no money to pay them. Washington and others in the Second Congress were too concerned with providing enough shell, shot and other armaments with which to wage war. By …

Battle of Pelham – American Loss that Saved Washington’s Army from Annihilation

October 18, 1776 Westchester County NY. Colonel John Glover Commanded American Forces. General William Howe commanded British and Hessian troops Though considered a defeat for the Americans, scholars attribute the Battle of Pelham (or Pells Point) for saving the Continental Army. British ships sailed up the Long Island Sound and landed troops in the rear of Washington’s …

Adjunct General: Washington’s Staff During the American Revolution

In Washington’s army, the role of Adjunct General was to keep all records. All of Washington’s orders were sent though the Adjunct and within the Adjunct’s department, they were registered, made official, and handwritten copies were made. He received multiple general instructions from Washington on a daily basis, whereupon he issued the necessary orders to …