Tag «capture»

Washington’s Crossing and Flight Across New Jersey in 1776

Washington’s Retreat Through New Jersey. Nov 9 – Dec 8, 1776 Supreme British Commander Major General Sir [1]William Howe’s efforts to ‘bag the fox’ had failed. ‘The Fox”, first termed by British General Charles Cornwallis in and around New York City the fateful summer of 1776, was the ‘rebel’ General George Washington. Mr. Washington, as the …

General Richard Prescott Is Kidnapped: Capture by African American Jack Prince Sisson

Capture of British General Richard Prescott July 10th 1777 A tawny son of Africa’s race. Them through the ravine led, And entering then the Overing House, They found him in his bed. But to get in they had no means, Except poor Cuffee’s head, Who beat the door down, then rushed in, And seized him in his bed. –Anonymous ballad spread from …