Tag «black soldier»

Interview with African American Reenactor Noah “Ned Hector” Lewis: Part One

It is a pleasure to present my good friend and American Revolution Photographer Ken Bohrer’s interview with American Revolution reenactor Noah “Ned Hector” Lewis – Black Revolutionary War Hero. This is the first interview of a three part series. Ken Bohrer’s website American Revolution Photos has over eight thousand outstanding photos and dozens of videos of …

Colonel Christopher Greene: Commanded the Rhode Island 1st of African American Continental Soldiers

Christopher Greene was leading the Rhode Island 1st, the first African American Regiment in the Continental Army [the first black regiment of the war was British – Virginia Royal Governor Dunmore’s Ethiopian Brigade in 1775], when he was killed and mutilated at the Battle of Pines Bridge in a vicious attack by British Loyalist ‘Cowboys’, …

Peter Salem’s Courage at Bunker Hill

Peter Salem, a slave who was freed to fight in his master’s militia, is credited for stepping forward at a critical point in the Battle of Bunker Hill outside Boston in 1775; he fired the shot that killed British Royal Marine Major John Pitcairn. At the time of the battle, Salem was already a veteran …

George Washington’s Silent Condemnation of Slavery: In His Lifetime, Never Set a Single Slave Free

Paradox of a New Nation’s Cause for Liberty & Its Acceptance of Slavery Till the mind of the slave has been educated to perceive what are the obligations of a state of freedom, and not confound a man’s with a brute’s, the gift would insure its abuse… slaves were bequeathed to us by Europeans. George …

Notes on the Declaration of Independence. Freedom’s Paradox.

Come all you brave soldiers, both valiant and free, It’s for Independence we all now agree; Let us gird on our swords, and prepare to defend, Our liberty, property, ourselves and our friends.                                   –Jonathan Mitchell Sewall July 2nd, 1776, the beginnings of the British fleet had arrived New York Harbor.  Americans lined the piers …

African American Patriot Oliver Cromwell

African American soldier

Then did we see old Bonner  rise, and borrowing Spite from Hell, They stride along with magic eyes, where Sons of Freedom dwell Lemuel Haynes Oliver Cromwell was an African American soldier who participated in nearly every major battle of the Revolutionary War’s northern campaign.   He spent six years and nine months in the New …