Tag «Banastre Tarleton»

Bloody Ben Tarleton Chases the Swamp Fox

Francis Swamp Fox Marion eludes British forces. Care of Swamp Fox Optics.

From November 7 – 14, 1780, in the lowlands of South Carolina, along the Santee River, a cat and mouse game played out between two wily and deadly opponents; rebel leader Colonel Francis Marion and British dragoon commander Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarleton. What occurred over the course of that week could have been drafted by …

Battle of Blackstocks

Militia open fire.

The Battle of Blackstocks, November 20, 1780, was one of the more crucial battles of the southern war and important American victory. Yet the battle has been lost to history, overshadowed by the later Battle of Cowpens (January 17, 1781). But upon study, Blackstocks provides an insight, if not a preview, of why British Lt. …

Battle of Fishdam Ford

Militia volley.

The Battle of Fishdam (also Fish Dam)Ford, November 9, 1780, was a comeback victory for American General Thomas Sumter. His band of South Carolina militiamen withstood an assault by regular British troops while inflicting three times as many casualties and forcing the enemy to withdraw. The British were led by the despised Major James Wemyss …

Battle of Wahab’s Plantation

Major Wemyss is wounded at battle of Fordam

The Battle of Wahab’s Plantation (September 21, 1780) pitted a fast moving, aggressive rebel leader, Colonel William Richardson, against the British Legion’s Cavalry. Outnumbered three to one, the newly promoted militia leader was undaunted by the odds, ordering the early morning surprise attack that took the partisan cavalrymen by surprise. Swift and brutal, the tables …

Battle of Charlotte

The Battle of Charlotte (September 26, 1780) deservedly marked its place in the annuals of the American Revolution. A small rebel militia, led by able-bodied commander, Colonel William Richardson Davie, defiantly stood firm and faced British General Lord Charles Cornwallis’ army, sixteen times greater than their number. After fending off three assaults and driving the …

Huck’s Defeat

Captain Huck shot from horse and dies instantly.

My Lord Hook was shot from his horse –James Collins sixteen-year-old rebel militiaman July 12, 1780, Huck’s Defeat, or the Battle of Williamson’s Plantation, was a vengeful sudden strike by patriot backcountry militiamen against a strong, well-trained foe. Though small in scale by comparison, it was considered a gamechanger for patriot militia. It was the …

Battle of Lenud’s Ferry: Tarleton’s Continuous Attack on American Cavalry

Colonel Washington and Lt. Col. Tarleton battle it out.

The Battle of Lenud’s Ferry, South Carolina, May 6, 1780, also known as Lanneau’s Ferry, was a sounding patriot loss and further blow to American cavalry in the south.  It was a continuation of the sudden and vicious attacks on patriot dragoons and militia by Banastre Tarleton’s Loyalist Legion of Dragoons and Mounted Infantry. At …

Battle of Moncks Corner

British Legion charge with saber.

On April 14, 1780, at 3 AM, Banastre Tarleton’s Partisan Legion, a loyalist mixture of dragoons and mounted infantry, thundered out of the dead of the night in a terrifying charge. Sabers slashed downward on startled Americans torn from their sleep. The surprise attack on mainly patriot light dragoons, both Continental troopers and South Carolina …

Battle of Waxhaws: Tarleton’s Quarter

At the Battle of Waxhaws, May 29, 1780, also labeled Buford’s Massacre,  Colonel Abraham Buford’s troops were defeated by Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarleton’s saber welding mounted Partisan Legion forces. A victory by Loyalist and British regulars, this action resulted in a brutal slaughter and horrendous injuries to most of the Continental soldiers; wounds that later …

Battle of Haw River and Pyle’s Massacre Dashed British Hopes of Loyalist Support

February 24, 1781. Lt. Col. Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee, Virginia patriot leader of cavalry and light infantry, rode before four hundred North Carolina loyalists. The militia, eager to join British Lt. General Charles Cornwallis’ army, had lined up for review. With Lee’s cavalry by his side, the Continental Army commander was enthusiastically greeted by …

Daniel Morgan: His Life and the Battle of Cowpens

Daniel Morgan of famed Morgan's Rifle.

Great generals are scarce; there are few Morgans. General Nathanael Greene Bar-room brawler, drinker, gambler, and womanizer; six feet tall and built like a brick yard with tree trunk arms, Daniel Morgan (1736 – July 6, 1802) was an imposing figure in any time period. Yet beneath this rough frontage, was an honest and passionate figure …