Tag «American Revolution»

Minuteman Myth & Citizen Soldiers of the American Revolution

            “…any dependence on Militia is assuredly resting on a broken staff” George Washington Ask most Americans what comes to mind when the word, “minuteman” is mentioned. They will no doubt answer something to the affect that they were eighteenth century citizen patriot militias who, within a minute’s notice, grabbed their muskets and fought for …

Diseases and Epidemics During Revolutionary America 1763 – 1783

The Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia compiled the most extensive report about diseases and success rates of doctors during the Revolutionary War Period. Aside from mental disorders which affected nearly one fifth of all patients, half of the hospital’s cases concerned seven disorders: scurvy – 15%, fevers – 9%, venereal disease – 9%, dropsy – 6%, …

Life in the Continental Army Camp During the American Revolution

Contrary to general belief, the term ‘rebel’ was not used solely when referring to Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War. It was first commonly applied to Americans who fought for independence from Great Britain during the American Revolutionary War. The British often referred to the rebellious rabble that formed a new government and army …

Guard Duty During the American Revolution

Alone “’Tis nothing – a private or two, now and then, Will not count in the news of the battle; Not an officer lost – only one of the men, Moaning out, all alone, the death rattle.”[1] From “The Picket Guard” by Ethel Lynn Beers. First published in Harper’s Weekly, November 30, 1861. The lone sentry looks hard …

Battle of Charleston and Fort Sullivan: American Victory and Hope in 1776

Throughout the American Revolution the British demonstrated a wonderful incapacity to evolve an over-all strategy to crush the rebellion. They first moved against New England, regarded as the prime instigator of sedition. When that move failed, [the British forces, with a fleet of Tories in tow, evacuated Boston to Halifax], they transferred their main operations …

Brown Bess – Musket of the American Revolution

The preferred choice of musket, (also labeled as flintlock, firelock, or smoothbore) in the British Army and subsequently in the American Army during the American Revolution was the Brown Bess. “Rugged, simple, sturdy, and terrible at close quarters”, when fired (if it fired), this smooth bore (grove bored were ‘rifled muskets’, later simply called rifles), …

The First and Last Liberty Trees: And the Liberty Pole – Symbols of Freedom

Each, axe in hand, attacked the honored tree, Sweating eternal war with Liberty. But e’er it fell, not mindless of its wrong, Avenged it took one destined head along. A Tory soldier on its topmost limb, The genius of the shade looked stern at him, And marked him out that self-same hour to dine, Where unsnuffed lamps burn low at Pluto’s shrine. …

Beekman House at Mt. Pleasant New York: Nathan Hale’s Last Night Before Execution

The Beekman mansion was built by James Beekman (1732-1807) in1763; some sources list 1764. Like many wealthy New Yorkers, it was constructed as a second or summer home in the countryside of Manhattan Island north of New York City.   Though modest in exterior, its interior was considered one of the most elegant in all the …