Tag «American Revlution»

Southern Militia in the American Revolution

Militia attack through woods. Artwork by F C Yohn

“…we were a set of men acting entirely on our own footing, without the promise or expectation of pay.” –Militiaman Sixteen-year-old James Potter Collins Back country southern militiamen were cut from a far different mold than their northern counterparts. The war in the north, by design, was one of organized armies that marched, positioned along …

General Mordecai Gist and the Maryland Line Were Among the Best Troops in Washington’s Army

Colonel Mordecai Gist actively recruited some of the finest young men from good Maryland families to form a regiment which, like the famed Highlanders of the Black Watch, were to forge its own legend in a war of rebellion that gave birth to a new nation. In the very first contest of the American Revolution …