Tag «American Army»

Top 10 American Revolution Reenactment Photos Numbers 1 – 5

Revolutonary War Journal is published by Harry Schenawolf, author of the Shades of Liberty Series about African American soldiers in the American Revolution.  It is a continued pleasure to offer my good friend Ken Bohrer, University Educator and Renowned Photographer of American Revolution Reenactments, this platform to help share his incredible photographs.  They are truly …

Why Was America So Obsessed to Gain Canada, the 14th Colony?

From the open broadside of hostilities in 1775 between the ‘rebel’ patriots in America and British forces, the newly appointed American Congress became obsessed to gain Quebec, the fourteenth colony, within their fold either by diplomatic means or by force. Americans convinced themselves that the Canadians held the same passions close to heart that spurred …

The First Shots of the American Revolution That Were Not Heard Round the World

One year after the famed Boston Tea Party, an American company of militia, during a raging snowstorm, attacked a British Fort. Cannon and shots were fired while farmers and sailors stormed the fortification. They came to blows with the defenders and wounded the English commander and another soldier. This clash between armed British subjects firing …