British Brigade of Guards in the American Revolution

Royal Regiment of Foot Guards in the American Revolutionary War The British Brigade of Guards that fought in the American Revolutionary War was  rooted in the English Civil War period of the mid seventeenth century.  This select group of guardsmen raised specifically for the American conflict was chosen from the three guards regiments:  First Foot …

Lord Rawdon in America

Always to the front in a fight and the last in a retreat, Lord Rawdon proved himself a brilliant and successful partisan leader.                                                                         Sir George Otto Trevelyan Francis, Lord Rawdon[1] epitomized the perfect British officer in the eyes of those fine gentlemen who sat smugly in their distinguished seats in the House of Lords. …

History of Dentistry in the 18th Century

Throughout the eighteenth century, upper and lower classes both shared the same woes when it came to decaying teeth and the somewhat primitive, even barbaric means of dental care.  Diseases like smallpox, malaria, scurvy, and syphilis (to name a few) were rampant.  So too were the diets heavy on sugar, sweetened teas, fortified wines, and …

African American Patriot Oliver Cromwell

African American soldier

Then did we see old Bonner  rise, and borrowing Spite from Hell, They stride along with magic eyes, where Sons of Freedom dwell Lemuel Haynes Oliver Cromwell was an African American soldier who participated in nearly every major battle of the Revolutionary War’s northern campaign.   He spent six years and nine months in the New …

Black Soldiers in the Continental Army

Black Soldier Rhode Island regiment.

Should African Americans Serve in the Continental Army? Washington and a new nation struggle with their convictions, morals, and necessity O’er the raging billows borne. Men, call’d Christians, bought & sold me, Paid my price in paltry gold; But though their’s they have enroll’d me, Minds are never to be sold. W. Cowper, Esq.            1774.   Humanity was not ready to bestow …

A Black Soldier in Washington’s Army

Welcome my friends, from every land. Where freedom doth not reign; Oh! Hither fly from every clime, Sweet liberty to gain – John Mason Harlem Heights, ten miles north of New York City as the crow flies; September 16th 1776 –  one hour before dawn. The Continental Army is entrenched on the high ground facing the British army, …

Colonel Samuel Selden: Brave in Battle He Died for his Country

Captured at battle of Kip’s Bay and died in captivity on Oct. 11, 1776  Rouse the People to see their Danger. Stir them up by all that is dear in this life. Our Wives, our Children, our property, our Liberty is at Stake… Colonel Samuel Selden Colonel Samuel Selden [1] During the Revolutionary War many men paid an …

General Richard Prescott Is Kidnapped: Capture by African American Jack Prince Sisson

Capture of British General Richard Prescott July 10th 1777 A tawny son of Africa’s race. Them through the ravine led, And entering then the Overing House, They found him in his bed. But to get in they had no means, Except poor Cuffee’s head, Who beat the door down, then rushed in, And seized him in his bed. –Anonymous ballad spread from …