Cannon Projectiles of the American Revolution

Cannon were identified by the weight of ball they were capable of throwing.  By the 1600’s this became standardized.   Their calibers went from the smallest – a two pounder used with swivel guns, mortars and small bore cannon on specially made carriages, to the largest – a fifty pound garrison gun. The distance or range …

Adjunct General: Washington’s Staff During the American Revolution

In Washington’s army, the role of Adjunct General was to keep all records. All of Washington’s orders were sent though the Adjunct and within the Adjunct’s department, they were registered, made official, and handwritten copies were made. He received multiple general instructions from Washington on a daily basis, whereupon he issued the necessary orders to …

Major General of the Day: Washington’s Staff During the American Revolution

The Continental Army of 1776 did not have a chief of staff, one officer charged with making the commander’s requests known. In Washington’s army, one of the major generals was given the assignment each day as “Major General of the Day.” This officer took on many of the Commander-in-Chief’s routine duties, which allowed General Washington …

Quartermaster General: Washington’s Staff During the American Revolution

Just two days after the birth of the Continental Army, Congress approved the position of Quartermaster General and Assistant Quartermaster General on June 16, 1775. The major duties of the Quartermaster General in Washington’s Army were in transportation, forage, camps and the movement of troops. Additional duties encompassed distributing rations, clothing, ammunition within the regiments, …

The Royal Colonies in North America: England, France, Netherlands & Sweden

Royal Colonies were established in North America by England, France, Netherlands and Sweden.  Spain launched earlier settlements and claimed lands south of the present Canadian border clear to the Pacific Ocean, but only established outposts and missionaries, particularly in Florida, which they maintained until 1763 when British took control. Different nations claimed many of the …

Early Life of Colonel Joseph Reed – Washington’s First Adjunct General and Secretary During the American Revolution

Long jaw, prominent nose, strong features with an air of aristocracy, Joseph Reed was very charming if not intensely astute in all things business and politics. No wonder he and his lovely wife Esther caught the eye of the newly appointed supreme commander of American forces.  He would hold the title of His Excellency’s Secretary, …