Slaves Take Heart after the 1772 Mansfield Decision

American slaves took interest when sporadic cases by individual African Americans questioned the rights of white ownership in court and won their freedom. They took heart after the Somerset ruling in which England’s Chief Justice William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield stated that the air of England was too free for a slave to breathe …

Boston Tea Party: Patriotism and Good Economics

Boston Tea Party, December 16, 1773, was the overt action that sparked a revolution in America. When approximately one hundred ‘patriots’ disguised as Native Americans, catapulting Smuggler John Hancock, Failed Brewer Samuel Adams, and Silversmith Paul Reverie into the annuals of legend, dumped sack upon sack of East India tea into Boston’s murky waters, one …

Battle of Saratoga: Path to British Surrender and Highlander General Simon Fraser

On October 7, 1777, in the second and conclusive action of what has become the American Revolution’s Battle of Saratoga, one of England’s bravest and considered the most experienced officer of wilderness warfare fell mortally wounded. At the height of the battle, when American General Daniel Morgan’s riflemen, like a ‘hoard of wildmen,’ fell upon …

“If Ole England is not by this lesson taught humility, then she is an obstinate old slut, bent upon her ruin.” General Horatio Gates after the Battle of Saratoga October 14th, 1777.

From October 8th to the 14th, Burgoyne had been preparing his army to begin the long and dangerous trek back to Fort Ticonderoga. On October 10th, he had dispatched Lt. Colonel Nicholas Sutherland with two regiments up the west bank of the Hudson to assess the situation north of them. The idea, suggested by German …

How Did Revolutionary War Soldiers Write Home? Powdered Ink & the History of Iron Gall Ink

quill and ink

Ever wonder how eighteenth century soldiers composed letters home or wrote journal entries while sitting on a log before a campfire, in a tent, or traipsing throughout the countryside, campaigning prior to or after military action? For ions, right up to the nineteenth century, the method of writing included a container of ink and a …

Matchlocks & Flintlocks: Weapons That Tamed a New World & Armed an American Revolution

Matchlocks In the 16th and early 17th centuries, European nations gained a foothold in the New World. The gun of choice, that which paved the way for complete dominance of a native population, was the matchlock. “Lock” meaning the mechanism that fired the gun and “match” for the system of igniting it. Over the next century, these …

Sergeant William Jasper: American Revolution’s Celebrated Hero at the Battle of Sullivan Island

Local Carolina residents had already responded to the threat by strengthening Fort Sullivan. Palmetto logs were laid into the partially completed fort which proved to be a blessing. Though General Lee recommended that the fort be abandoned, Colonel William Moultrie and Colonel William Thomson, who commanded militia from South and North Carolina, including some native …