Redcoats and Patriots: British and Continental Soldiers of the American Revolution

British officer. Photo by Ken Bohrer.

For thousands of photos on the American Revolution, Visit Ken Bohrer here. If you were to ask someone on the street what was the ordinary British soldier was like during King George’s time, he or she might  say something like: dregs, scoundrels, scum from the streets of London, debtors, drunks, common criminals or sweepings from …

British General Sir Henry Clinton Replaced General William Howe, Making the Same Mistakes that Cost the War

It is common knowledge that the Ministerial Forces of King George the Third stationed in America during the War of Independence were as much absorbed in quarreling with one another as in fighting the rebel army, not due to differences over strategy, but because of personal friction. Simply put,  there was little, if any cooperation …

Washington’s Crossing and Flight Across New Jersey in 1776

Washington’s Retreat Through New Jersey. Nov 9 – Dec 8, 1776 Supreme British Commander Major General Sir [1]William Howe’s efforts to ‘bag the fox’ had failed. ‘The Fox”, first termed by British General Charles Cornwallis in and around New York City the fateful summer of 1776, was the ‘rebel’ General George Washington. Mr. Washington, as the …

George Washington’s Silent Condemnation of Slavery: In His Lifetime, Never Set a Single Slave Free

Paradox of a New Nation’s Cause for Liberty & Its Acceptance of Slavery Till the mind of the slave has been educated to perceive what are the obligations of a state of freedom, and not confound a man’s with a brute’s, the gift would insure its abuse… slaves were bequeathed to us by Europeans. George …