British General Charles Cornwallis Was America’s Best Friend Before Becoming Her Fiercest Enemy

British retreat at Battle of Lexington and Concord

By Harry Schenawolf, author of the Shades of Liberty Series about African American soldiers in the American Revolution. In the spring of 1776, Lt. General Charles Cornwallis sailed from England with his beloved 33rd Regiment of Foot, labeled England’s Immortals, and landed near Charleston, South Carolina. On June 28th, he took part in the year’s …

Coffee Brewed Patriotic Passions in the American Revolution

In 18th century America, where news and the powers of persuasion depended on pamphlets or word of mouth, coffeehouses rose supreme among all outlets of media. Politicians, merchants, businessmen, farmers, and mekanics – the working-class muscle of rebellion – consumed pages upon pages of lengthy opinions detailed in pamphlets and distributed among the colonial American …

America’s First Great Slum – Built over New York City’s Collect Pond and Fresh Water Source for Two Hundred Years

Once, where now large buildings crowd downtown Manhattan, a substantial and beautiful pond spread out in a pristine valley between the forested countryside. Collect Pond, or Fresh Water Pond, was a body of fresh water near the southern tip of Manhattan in New York City, that covered approximately 48 acres (194,000 m²) and ran as …

American Revolutionary War Artillery: Spiking Cannon so the Enemy Was Unable to Use

Hessian artilery by Don Troiani.

By Harry Schenawolf, author of the Shades of Liberty Series about African American soldiers in the American Revolution.  Whenever there existed the possibility that artillery pieces could fall into the hands of the enemy, the weapons were rendered useless, even if only temporarily.  The method most common was called spiking.  Spiking involved jamming some metal …

General Moses Hazen of The Infernals: Ruthless and Fierce, He Was Just the Man Washington Needed

Marylanders and Morgan rifle continue to fight

Colonel Moses Hazen demanded respect and total commitment from his men and he got it. He also expected them to fight like demons and so too, they never let him down. His regiment, a Foreign Legion of Canadians, Americans, Rangers, and hodgepodge of foreign fighters, for seven long years, suffered among the highest casualties of …

Why Was America So Obsessed to Gain Canada, the 14th Colony?

From the open broadside of hostilities in 1775 between the ‘rebel’ patriots in America and British forces, the newly appointed American Congress became obsessed to gain Quebec, the fourteenth colony, within their fold either by diplomatic means or by force. Americans convinced themselves that the Canadians held the same passions close to heart that spurred …

General Mordecai Gist and the Maryland Line Were Among the Best Troops in Washington’s Army

Colonel Mordecai Gist actively recruited some of the finest young men from good Maryland families to form a regiment which, like the famed Highlanders of the Black Watch, were to forge its own legend in a war of rebellion that gave birth to a new nation. In the very first contest of the American Revolution …

First Cowboys Were Not from the West But Cattle Rustlers of the American Revolution

Mention cowboys and John Wayne slinging his saddle over his arm during a clip from the classic 1939 John Ford movie Stagecoach might come to mind. Cowboys are synonymous with rough and tumble ranchers, cowhands, and gunslingers of the old west, strutting up to the bar, slapping the dust off their chaps, and ordering a bottle …

“Skinners” Land Pirates of the American Revolution Myths and Reality

Two terms come up when describing roving bands of colonial plunderers who preyed on the residents of Westchester County, New York during the American Revolution: British marauders were called cowboys and patriotic pillagers were referred to as skinners. Though countless historical publications support this or claim that skinners were composed of both British and American …

Westchester County New York, Neutral Ground in the American Revolution Suffered Their Own Horrific War

Skinners raided homes

At the start of the American Revolution, the county of Westchester was the richest and most populous of the rural counties of New York. By war’s end, most of the county, especially a twenty-mile-wide region labeled the neutral ground, would be totally devastated. Farms were abandoned and entire communities became ghost towns. Roads were vacant …