Category «Organization»

The First Shots of the American Revolution That Were Not Heard Round the World

One year after the famed Boston Tea Party, an American company of militia, during a raging snowstorm, attacked a British Fort. Cannon and shots were fired while farmers and sailors stormed the fortification. They came to blows with the defenders and wounded the English commander and another soldier. This clash between armed British subjects firing …

Black Presence in the American Revolution: African American Percentage Was Higher Than We’ve Been Told

1st Rhode Island Regiment of all black soldiers.

The number of African American soldiers who stood beside their patriot white comrades in arms during the American Revolutionary War has frequently been dismissed as unimpressive or inconsequential. An incorrect argument can be made to support such an opinion when taking the total number of soldiers who fought the entire war and factoring the ratio …

How Did Revolutionary War Soldiers Write Home? Powdered Ink & the History of Iron Gall Ink

quill and ink

Ever wonder how eighteenth century soldiers composed letters home or wrote journal entries while sitting on a log before a campfire, in a tent, or traipsing throughout the countryside, campaigning prior to or after military action? For ions, right up to the nineteenth century, the method of writing included a container of ink and a …

Robert Rogers’ Rules of Ranging: Used to This Day by the US Military

Unconfirmed portrait of Robert Rogers

Captain Robert Rogers (Major Rogers, as listed in his Journals), was one of the more colorful characters in American history. He was an incredible military leader who adapted wilderness tactics which equipped the British in The French and Indian War (or The Seven Years War as it’s known in Europe). From 1754 until 1763, both …

Washington and the Enlistment of Black Soldiers in the Continental Army

Enlist no Stroller, Negro, Or Vagabond General George Washington In 1775, when rhetoric turned to open conflict, some militia commanders welcomed freemen and slaves into their ranks.  Twenty percent of the country’s residents were of African heritage with four percent of that number freeman.  For many, especially recruiters pressured to meet Congress’ demands for enlistment …

Adjunct General: Washington’s Staff During the American Revolution

In Washington’s army, the role of Adjunct General was to keep all records. All of Washington’s orders were sent though the Adjunct and within the Adjunct’s department, they were registered, made official, and handwritten copies were made. He received multiple general instructions from Washington on a daily basis, whereupon he issued the necessary orders to …

Major General of the Day: Washington’s Staff During the American Revolution

The Continental Army of 1776 did not have a chief of staff, one officer charged with making the commander’s requests known. In Washington’s army, one of the major generals was given the assignment each day as “Major General of the Day.” This officer took on many of the Commander-in-Chief’s routine duties, which allowed General Washington …

Minuteman Myth & Citizen Soldiers of the American Revolution

            “…any dependence on Militia is assuredly resting on a broken staff” George Washington Ask most Americans what comes to mind when the word, “minuteman” is mentioned. They will no doubt answer something to the affect that they were eighteenth century citizen patriot militias who, within a minute’s notice, grabbed their muskets and fought for …

Life in the Continental Army Camp During the American Revolution

Contrary to general belief, the term ‘rebel’ was not used solely when referring to Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War. It was first commonly applied to Americans who fought for independence from Great Britain during the American Revolutionary War. The British often referred to the rebellious rabble that formed a new government and army …

Guard Duty During the American Revolution

Alone “’Tis nothing – a private or two, now and then, Will not count in the news of the battle; Not an officer lost – only one of the men, Moaning out, all alone, the death rattle.”[1] From “The Picket Guard” by Ethel Lynn Beers. First published in Harper’s Weekly, November 30, 1861. The lone sentry looks hard …

General George Washington’s Body Guard & Life Guardsmen

Continental soldiers were life guardsmen

George Washington’s Life Guard During the American Revolution Throughout the American Revolutionary War, George Washington’s personal bodyguard was an elite corps of infantry and mounted men. It was officially entitled The Commander-in-Chief’s Guard, but was more commonly known as The Life Guard. At the start of the Revolutionary War, and the formation of the Continental …