Category «Life & Times»

African Americans in the American Revolution: George Latchom’s Remarkable Strength and Courage

Almost nothing is known of Virginian and former slave George Latchom. Most of what we do know relates to one incident during the American Revolution in which he displayed incredible strength and unselfish courage. He was not a Continental soldier; over eight hundred African Americans would ultimately fight alongside patriots in the Virginia Line. Nor …

African Americans in the American Revolution: Black Soldiers’ Did Not Quit Whose Percentage was Much Higher than Previously Reported

The number of African American soldiers who stood beside their patriot white comrades in arms during the American Revolutionary War has frequently been dismissed as unimpressive or inconsequential. An incorrect argument can be made to support such an opinion when taking the total number of soldiers who fought the entire war and factoring the ratio …

Boston Tea Party: Patriotism and Good Economics

Boston Tea Party, December 16, 1773, was the overt action that sparked a revolution in America. When approximately one hundred ‘patriots’ disguised as Native Americans, catapulting Smuggler John Hancock, Failed Brewer Samuel Adams, and Silversmith Paul Reverie into the annuals of legend, dumped sack upon sack of East India tea into Boston’s murky waters, one …

How Did Revolutionary War Soldiers Write Home? Powdered Ink & the History of Iron Gall Ink

quill and ink

Ever wonder how eighteenth century soldiers composed letters home or wrote journal entries while sitting on a log before a campfire, in a tent, or traipsing throughout the countryside, campaigning prior to or after military action? For ions, right up to the nineteenth century, the method of writing included a container of ink and a …

African Americans in the American Revolution: Austin Dabney’s Astonishing Bravery

At the start of the American Revolutionary War, colonies scrambled to enlist men to fight. The northern states readily accepted African Americans in their ranks. Slavery was common throughout the colonies including the northern provinces. New York City had the greatest slave population than any other city and Rhode Island had the highest percentage of …

Iron Forge in Colonial America

In the early 17th century nations making claim to the Americas discovered an enormous wealth of natural resources.  Raw materials bolster a country’s economy and increase its ability to dominate in trade and in war.  Though the discovery of gold by the Spanish increased that nation’s wealth, iron ore from North America  gave Great Britain the …

The Continental Army of The American Revolution: “A Drunken, Canting, Lying, Hypocritical Rabble”

The Continental Army of 1775 This article presents four eyewitness accounts on the condition and general attitude of the American Forces in the summer of 1775. It concludes with six of George Washington’s commentaries on the situation of the army at that time and his personal frustrations. After the battles of Lexington and Concord (April …