Category «Essays»

General George Washington’s Explosive Temper Helped Shape the Man Who Forged a New Nation

Kip’s Bay, mid-Manhattan Island, New York, September 15, 1776. American militia, including New England brigades of Continental Soldiers, among the best in the American army, ran for their lives before invading British steel. What occurred next, occasionally seen by General George Washington’s inner family of staff, was rarely if ever experienced by the rank and …

Slaves Take Heart after the 1772 Mansfield Decision

American slaves took interest when sporadic cases by individual African Americans questioned the rights of white ownership in court and won their freedom. They took heart after the Somerset ruling in which England’s Chief Justice William Murray, 1st Earl of Mansfield stated that the air of England was too free for a slave to breathe …

Boston Tea Party: Patriotism and Good Economics

Boston Tea Party, December 16, 1773, was the overt action that sparked a revolution in America. When approximately one hundred ‘patriots’ disguised as Native Americans, catapulting Smuggler John Hancock, Failed Brewer Samuel Adams, and Silversmith Paul Reverie into the annuals of legend, dumped sack upon sack of East India tea into Boston’s murky waters, one …

Founding Fathers: America’s First One Percent

John Hancock president of Congress

The colonists, during the period building up to the American Revolutionary War, were becoming more and more aggressive towards England. However, before Great Britain and Parliament rattled the chains that ‘enslaved Americans and gained the vexation of those seeking liberty’, there was another class of individuals better suited to and far more deserving of the …

Was Major General Israel Putnam Responsible for the American Loss at the Battle of Long Island?

Historian Opinions are Mixed Historians have been vocal in their summation of Major General Israel Putnam’s actions and command decisions during the American Revolutionary War. The leading authorities such as Fellows, Dawson, Gordon, Ramsay, Stiles, Bancroft, Field, Lossing, Trevelyan, Ward, and Johnston (to name a few), have all offered evaluations and explanations of what occurred …

Black Soldiers and the Victory at Red Bank

The Battle of Red Bank saw four hundred Americans defend Fort Mercer, New Jersey, against 2,000 Hessians resulting in the second most costly defeat for the British forces after the Battle of Bunker Hill. It was an incredible feat of gallantry and determination by Rhode Island ‘rebels’ who doggedly faced the Hessian attackers’ promise that …

The Continental Army of The American Revolution: “A Drunken, Canting, Lying, Hypocritical Rabble”

The Continental Army of 1775 This article presents four eyewitness accounts on the condition and general attitude of the American Forces in the summer of 1775. It concludes with six of George Washington’s commentaries on the situation of the army at that time and his personal frustrations. After the battles of Lexington and Concord (April …

Slavery & Religion: Christian Slaveholders Claimed God Sanctioned and Ordained Slavery

Slavery and the bible.

The following is a letter addressed by John C. Calhoun (Vice President of the United States) to the Methodist Reverend Alexander McCain in response to McCain’s pamphlet in favor of slavery being ordained by God. “My Dear Sir. I have read with pleasure your pamphlet, entitled, ‘Slavery Defended from the Scriptures Against Abolitionists.’ You have …

Slavery in Colonial America: States Bill of Rights Recognized Freedoms for All Men…Except Slaves

It can be argued that the colonial bill of rights stemmed from a reaction to what was considered ‘heavy handed’ powers exerted by the British government’s representatives in America. Many Americans, especially the wealthy and merchants, felt constrained by the ever imposing laws and resolutions that cut into their finances. This filtered down to the …

George Washington’s Silent Condemnation of Slavery: In His Lifetime, Never Set a Single Slave Free

Paradox of a New Nation’s Cause for Liberty & Its Acceptance of Slavery Till the mind of the slave has been educated to perceive what are the obligations of a state of freedom, and not confound a man’s with a brute’s, the gift would insure its abuse… slaves were bequeathed to us by Europeans. George …

General Washington’s Thoughts on Slavery

September 16, 1776 The clock strikes two bells past the eleventh hour. Colonel Thomas Reed, aide to General Washington, quickly crosses to his general, passing under the substantial archway of the Morris mansion into the sitting room. The post’s bulky leather satchel remains over one shoulder while in his hand is held a sealed envelope. …