Category «Armies»

Deborah Sampson: Her Incredible Story as a Continental Soldier in the American Revolution

Deborah Sampson (Dec. 17, 1760 – April 29, 1827) enlisted as a soldier, saw action in heated skirmishes, was wounded, and during her seventeen months in her disguise as a man, had won the “applause” of her officers and fellow soldiers in arms. From the time Deborah Sampson’s memoirs were printed in 1797 and rewritten, …

Road to Camden: The Southern War of the American Revolution

De Kalb at Camden

On June 18, 1778, British Commander-in-Chief Lieutenant General Henry Clinton vacated Philadelphia and marched his army across New Jersey. General George Washington’s Army pursued at a cautious distance and attacked ten days later at the Battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778. Clinton retreated before hostilities could begin anew the next day and bottled himself up …

Black Presence in the American Revolution: African American Percentage Was Higher Than We’ve Been Told

1st Rhode Island Regiment of all black soldiers.

The number of African American soldiers who stood beside their patriot white comrades in arms during the American Revolutionary War has frequently been dismissed as unimpressive or inconsequential. An incorrect argument can be made to support such an opinion when taking the total number of soldiers who fought the entire war and factoring the ratio …

Battle of Saratoga: Path to British Surrender and Highlander General Simon Fraser

On October 7, 1777, in the second and conclusive action of what has become the American Revolution’s Battle of Saratoga, one of England’s bravest and considered the most experienced officer of wilderness warfare fell mortally wounded. At the height of the battle, when American General Daniel Morgan’s riflemen, like a ‘hoard of wildmen,’ fell upon …

“If Ole England is not by this lesson taught humility, then she is an obstinate old slut, bent upon her ruin.” General Horatio Gates after the Battle of Saratoga October 14th, 1777.

From October 8th to the 14th, Burgoyne had been preparing his army to begin the long and dangerous trek back to Fort Ticonderoga. On October 10th, he had dispatched Lt. Colonel Nicholas Sutherland with two regiments up the west bank of the Hudson to assess the situation north of them. The idea, suggested by German …

Black Patriots in the Continental Army

Josiah Book 1     &     Josiah’s Mettle Book 2         Shades of Liiberty is a new action and adventure historical fiction series that chronicles African Americans who fought in the Revolutionary War. Josiah is a blacksmith and runaway slave from Newport, Rhode Island. He, along with other escaped slaves, Scipio and Jeb, forged their marks to …

Alexander Hamilton: Myth and the Man Part 2: He Was Not a Hero at the Battle of White Plains.

a Article 1 stated that Alexander Hamilton’s role during the Battle of White Plains had been fabricated and grossly exaggerated over the decades. The author of this three part series has traced this misinformation to Hamilton’s son who published several biographical texts; each one expanding on his father’s courage acts in combat. John Church Hamilton …

The Ethiopian Brigade & Liberty to Slaves

Ethiopian Brigade soldier's Liberty to Slave on uniform.

The Ethiopian Brigade was the brainchild of John Murray, the 4th Earl of Dunmore, Royal Governor Lord Dunmore of Virginia. On November 7, 1775, he issued a proclamation that rattled the chains of slavery; that which fueled the economy of both the northern and southern thirteen rebellious British Colonies in North America.   Open warfare had …

British Army Command & Structure in the American Revolution – Grenadier & Light Infantry Battalions

The French and Indian War in the North American Colonies (Seven Years War in Europe) posed unique circumstances that required the British officers who fought in America to consider changes in their tactics and army’s structure.  Gone were the windswept fields where large bodies of troops faced each other over open ground.  Skirmishes and battles …

Forgotten Warrior Brigadier General John Nixon

Brave, Humble, Firm, Dedicated There are two Revolutionary War soldiers of merit who share the same name. Colonel John Nixon of Pennsylvania and Brigadier General John Nixon of Massachusetts. Colonel Nixon of Pennsylvania has received far more attention than General Nixon of Massachusetts. Colonel Nixon, along with his father Richard, were shipbuilders and prominent citizens …

American Revolution Cockades in Washington’s Army

Officer in Continental Army.

Prior to the Battle of Long Island, the general orders issued by supreme commander General George Washington on August 20th, 1776 included instructions detailing the use of cockades. This was early in the war when the rebellious colonists’ main army was basically made up of militias, still in civilian attire. The section read:  ‘As the …