Category «Colonial»

First Battle of Cedar Springs

Militia loading and firing.

This battle or large skirmish between partisan militia forces occurred on July 12, 1780. A rebel victory, though small in comparison, it gains importance when considered the first of many skirmishes and battles between loyalist and patriot forces that lead to the all-decisive Battle of King’s Mountain, October 7, 1780. On May 12, 1780, two …

Battle of Musgrove Mill: Renowned for its Ferocity

Rebel over the mountain men and militia fire upon attacking loyalists. Battle of Musgrove Mill.

August 18, 1780 American victory. Whenever large partisan militia forces collided, the struggle tended to be brutal and vicious. It had to be. It was personal. By 1780 the patriot and crown factions morphed into a bloody civil war. Mostly the antagonists formed into small raiding parties that attacked without warning. They killed and destroyed …

Battle of Hobkirk’s Hill

battle of kirkwood hill by F C Yohn

Hobkirk’s Hill: April 25, 1781. American General Nathanael Greene had yet to achieve a personal victory since he took over command of the American Southern Army in December of 1780. But he did not need to. Either planned, by accident, or a twist of fate, Greene was able to get rid of General Lord Charles …

Fort Watson and the Maham Tower

Reenactors with Maham Tower.

The nine-day Siege of Fort Watson by American Continentals under Colonel Henry ‘Light-Horse Harry’ Lee and militia under Colonel Francis ‘Swamp Fox’ Marion, April 14 – 23, 1781, ended in the destruction of the first of many British forts and stockades that formed the chain of communication and supply depots across the deep south.  It …

Battle of Fishing Creek

Tarleton's British Legion Dragoon

Coming on the heels of the American disastrous defeat at Camden, August 16, 1780, The Battle of Fishing Creek, August 18, 1780, was but another feather in the cap of British Legion’s commander Banastre “Bloody Ben” Tarleton. And another depressing loss for the Americans. Tarleton led a fast moving, hard striking, ruthless corps of dragoons …

Danbury Raid and the Battle of Ridgefield

Light infantry fire from fence.

By early 1777, Danbury, Connecticut served as a major supply depot that included food, clothing, dry goods, and necessary materials for the Continental Army’s survival. Washington’s main army was at winter quarters in and around Morristown, New Jersey. A large contingency of men were also stationed in the Lower Hudson Valley, at Peekskill, New York, …

Battle of Whitemarsh: Washington Dodged a Bullet

Bbattle of whitemarsh british volley

The Battle of White Marsh, December 5 – 8, 1777, also known as the White Marsh Affair or Battle of Edge Hill, was a series of large, heated skirmishes that occurred over three days between the main armies of General George Washington and British General William Howe. This series of clashes between opposing forces was …

Battle of Three Rivers June 8, 1775

Bayonetting Redcoat

The Invasion of Canada Did Not Go Well for the Americans From the time the Americans were defeated before the walls of Quebec City on a blizzard evening of December 31, 1775, until the last of a devastated rebel force gave up Canada in mid June, 1776, the entire episode of a new nation trying …

Battle of Gloucester 1775

Reenactors fire from wharf at British on grounded schooner.

The Battle of Gloucester, fought on August 8, 1775, between the British sloop of war HMS Falcon and Gloucester townspeople, resulted in a resounding American victory. Many British seamen and marines were captured, with casualties on both sides, before the British warship broke off the fight and departed. The result of the clash proved to …

Battle of Gloucester 1777

German Jaeger pickets. Photo by Ken Bohrer.

Labeled a battle, what occurred along the Delaware River in the late afternoon on November 25, 1777 was actually a forty-five-minute skirmish; albeit the British force suffered a larger than usual number of casualties for a minor clash of arms. Considered an American victory, militarily, it was not significant. But politically, it proved worth noting …